Sunday, April 25, 2010


Aila told Anneka she thought her new shirt was weird. I told Anneka not to take fashion advice from a 6-year-old who wants to wear the same fuzzy pink pants everyday because they 'feel like sweet-mama'

Aila: I know when the dinosaurs died!
Yvonne: Oh yeah? WHEN?
Aila: In the past!

Aila- I'm NOT a mind reader....but i'll practice in the mirror.

Aila: I can see my own bum cheeks, you know!

Aila: I have superpowers. My superpower is to scream and yell and cry.

Seeing the back room at the grocery store with a 'private' sign...Aila asks"is that where the workers go to take their pants off?"
Yes Aila. Yes it is

Aila: "Daddy, your a silly varmit!!"
Aila: "Daddy, what's a varmit?"

Aila at dinner: "mmmm...I love this chicken so tastes like SWEET MAMMA."

Aila: "Mommy...listen....I don't call them fingers, I call them thingers because you use them to pick up THINGS...get it?"

Aila at supper: "I know what spicy food is made from.....FIRE!!"

Aila thinks that it would be less scary if it was called Funder instead of thunder.

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